Auction Details

How this Auction will work: 

  • The items will be posted with photos, descriptions, and minimum bids. 
  • You will leave comments in order to bid.  Each BID comment must include your amount and an e-mail address for it to be valid
  •  Bids must be made in whole dollar amounts (so if you are trying to outbid an amount of $5, you will have to bid at least $6).
  • There will be a starting bid on each item, and you may not bid below that. 
  • Shipping Costs are included.
  • Bidding will open August 8th at 12am Mountain time and will close August 11th at 12pm Mountain time. 
  • Winners will be contacted through email. Payments will be made to a secure site, and items will be shipped after payment. (preferred payment is Paypal)
If you would like to donate an item to the auction, or have any questions please email “fortnerfamily03 (at) gmail (dot) com.” You can see visit the Fortner family blog HERE